Shenghui Cheng


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Nationality: Chinese

I Am

Shenghui Cheng is a Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University, a doctoral supervisor, and the Deputy Director of the AGI Intelligent Media Application Research and Development Center. He earned his PhD in Computer Science from Stony Brook University, State University of New York. He has conducted research at Brookhaven National Laboratory and Harvard Medical School; served as a consultant for the Digital Economy Group at the World Bank headquarters; and holds editorial and committee positions in over ten renowned journals and conferences. An inventor with numerous patents both domestically and internationally, he leads a national-level project. His primary research areas include visualization, digital communication, and artificial intelligence. He has published over 40 research papers and more than ten books, including bestsellers such as 'Metaverse: Concepts, Technology, and Ecology' and 'ChatGPT: New Era of Intelligent Dialogue', which have been translated and released in multiple countries."

成生辉,暨南大学新闻与传播学院教授,博士生导师,AGI智媒体应用研发中心副主任。纽约州立大学石溪分校计算机科学博士,曾在美国布鲁克海文国家实验室、哈佛大学医学院进行研究;曾任世界银行(总部)数字经济组顾问,兼任十多家知名期刊、会议的编辑、委员、审稿人,拥有国内外发明专利十多项,主持国家级项目一项。主要研究方向为可视化、数字传播、科技传播等。发表论文40多篇,专著10余部,包括元宇宙系列著作五部曲,如《元宇宙:概念、技术及生态》、《ChatGPT:智能对话开创新时代》、《Web 3.0》、《AIGC:让生成式AI成为自己的外脑》、《NFT新视角:数字时代的权益变革》等,并被译为英文在多国发行。


Here is the list of my books.


We have a very free work style. Each member should be self-motivated and could have his/her own work style. I am looking for talents as postdoc, research assistant, visiting student, intern etc. Feel free to contact me.

Zengtao Hou

Jinan University, CN

Project Manager

Data visualization and its Applications

Bohan Liu

American University, US

Research Assistant

Data visualization and its Applications

Yiran Meng

The University of Glasgow, UK

Research Assistant

Visual Analytics for Financial Data

Niru Duwal

Kathmandu University, NPL

Research Assistant

Data visualization and its Applications

Chenchen Mo

Zhejiang University of Technology, CN

Administrative Assistant

Office Work

Ding Li

University of Pittsburgh, US


Visual Analytics for Physical Data

Bowen Meng

Wilfrid Laurier University, CA

Visiting Student

Visual Analytics and its Applications

Ziling Dong

Shanghai Jiaotong University, CN

Visiting Student

Visual Analytics and its Applications

Jin Liu

China University Of Petroleum, CN

Visiting Student

Visual Analytics and its Applications

Yueming Cheng

Jinan University, CN


Visual Arts and Creative Practice

Ran Peng

Jinan University, CN


Visual Arts and Creative Practice

Sheng Bao

Jinan University, CN


Health Communication and Medical Sociology

Bixuan Chen

Jinan University, CN


Health Communication and Medical Sociology

Shaoqian Zhu

Jinan University, CN




High-dimensional Clustering onto Hamiltonian Cycle

Tianyi Huang, Shenghui Cheng*, Stan Ziqing Li, Zhengjun Zhang


Deepsea: A Meta-ocean Prototype for Undersea Exploration

Jinyu Li, Ping Hu, Weicheng Cui, Tianyi Huang,Shenghui Cheng*,

Information Technology and Tourism (If: 9.3),2023.

Self-decision Mechanisms of Smart Production Systems Based on Improved Uncertainty Theory and user-CFA

Yuanju Qu, Jiayun Wang, Bo Jiang, Shenghui Cheng*, Yangpeng Wang, Peishan Wu, Xinguo Ming, Xianghua Chu

Computers & Industrial Engineering ,2023.

NG-NAS: Node Growth Neural Architecture Search for 3D Medical Image Segmentation

Shixi Qin, Zixun Zhang, Yuncheng Jiang, Shuguang Cui,Shenghui Cheng*,Zhen Li*

Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,2023.

A Visual Analytics Framework for Ocean Scalar Volume Data

Jinyu Li, Tianyi Huang, Ping Hu, Weicheng Cui, Shenghui Cheng*,

Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research: Science Press,2023.

ChatGPT 智能对话开创新时代

Shenghui Cheng*,

CITIC Press,2023.